If anyone out there is left who checks our blog, I apologize for my lack of posting. In order to get myself caught up this is going to be a mass picture posting, in no particular order, as well as a list of the latest and greatest in the Dunham household.
moved to a new home
started a business
TJ built a sandbox
TJ got poison Ivy (really really bad)
Will turned 3!
TJ started a new job
Family came to visit (big thank you to my mom who helped us move in, Couldn't have done it without her! and has come out several more times to help us get settled. Thank you dad for lending us your wife :)
Dicy and Morgan plus three and 1/2 kids came to visit (yall are the best!)
trip to Utah
trip to texas (where there was lots of egg finding)
Steve (little brother) got married to an amazing women!
Overalls (you'll see)
Five Fingers
Five fingers, my new loves!
Caught in the icing
Seeing his bride walk down
My sweet parents
Oh yah!!!!
Told you you'd see :)
Who's that old short man?
Steve's new family
Helping grammy hang clothes (yes people use clothes lines in the south)
Dad found an egg
Will found an egg
Finn found an egg
Another one??